Sunday, December 28, 2008


I ran into another knitter on my way to dinner with one of my good friends (also a knitter). I sat down, about to cast on a sock, and realized that the woman two seats down from me was working on a ribbed scarf. I looked over at her and smiled, but she was deeply involved in her knitting, so she didn't notice. I sat back, a bit dissapointed but unwilling to break her concentration, and began to cast on.

A minute later she asked the man sitting between us (he was her companion) if something didn't look right with her scarf. He was stumped. So I leaned forward, gestured with my needles, and asked if she'd like a second opinion. She very happily accepted, and switched seats with her companion. She'd made a simple mistake, knitting a stitch she should have purled, and once I explained what had gone awry she thought that she'd have to take it off the needles and rip back to fix it. Since she was clearly not looking forward to doing that I asked how much further she had to go and (after explaining I meant how many more stops and not how much more scarf length) I dropped the offending stitch back the six or so rows and then laddered it back up. And poof, it was perfect. She was very, very happy and I felt like a genius. We compared notes on our favorite LYS (Knitty City) and said goodbye.

It left me with a lovely warm feeling.

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